NEW DELHI: In an exclusive interview with Rohan Dua, Executive Editor of The New Indian, BJP leader and Karawal Nagar candidate Kapil Mishra opened up about his close friendship with suspended party colleague and Brahmin face Nupur Sharma who was asked to step down following her controversy on a TV channel.
Mishra shared personal insights into their bond and expressed his admiration for Sharma, who recently took a step back from active politics.
“I meet Nupur almost every month, once or twice,” Mishra revealed during the conversation. “I am proud of her and I miss her in active politics,” he added.
Nupur Sharma was the national spokesperson for the BJP until June 2022.
Known for her frequent appearances on Indian television debates, Sharma garnered attention for her vocal stance on Prophet Muhammad during a debate on TV the Gyanvapi mosque dispute.
Later, her comments led to a sharp reaction from Alt-News’ co-founder Mohammed Zubair, who is separately facing multiple FIRs in various cases across UP and Delhi, and eventually the barbaric killing of a Hindu tailor in Udaipur in 2022.
Sharma, who gained widespread attention for her remarks on controversial issues, had faced significant backlash in the political and public domains.
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Mishra, who himself a firebrand leader within the BJP, expressed his hopes for Sharma’s return to active politics.
“I am waiting for her to rejoin us in active politics,” he said, indicating that he believes Sharma’s contributions are still needed in shaping the future of the country.