
Emmy award-winning filmmaker Richie Mehta takes the helm in the upcoming crime series, “Poacher,” featuring acclaimed Malayalam actors Roshan Mathew and Nimisha Sajayan alongside Dibyendu Bhattacharya, known for his role in “Delhi Crime.”

NEW DELHI: Emmy award-winning filmmaker Richie Mehta takes the helm in the upcoming crime series, “Poacher,” featuring acclaimed Malayalam actors Roshan Mathew and Nimisha Sajayan alongside Dibyendu Bhattacharya, known for his role in “Delhi Crime.” The eight-episode series is scheduled to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on February 23, following two years of dedicated filming in locations spanning from Delhi to the jungles of Kerala.

Much like Mehta’s previous success, “Delhi Crime,” “Poacher” draws inspiration from real events, intertwining the urban backdrop of Delhi with the lush landscapes of Kerala. The narrative unfolds as an investigative procedural, shedding light on the intricate relationship between humans and the animal kingdom. The story revolves around a collaborative effort involving Indian Forest Service officers, NGO personnel, volunteers, and police officers. Their mission: to apprehend notorious ivory poachers in India, combating not only wildlife crime but also navigating the pitfalls of corruption.

The series, previewed at the Sundance Film Festival, promises an edge-of-the-seat experience, captivating audiences with its gripping storytelling and inspired-by-real-events narrative. Roshan Mathew, Nimisha Sajayan, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya lead a stellar cast, bringing their exceptional talents to each of the eight episodes.

Mehta, the creative force behind the project, aims not only to entertain but also to raise awareness about the pressing issue of wildlife crime. By delving into the dangerous pursuit of ivory poachers, the series intends to initiate meaningful conversations and inspire collective action against such criminal activities. The hope is that the compelling storytelling and real-life inspiration will motivate viewers to take a stand against perpetrators of wildlife crimes.

“Poacher” emerges as a thrilling blend of crime drama and social advocacy, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in the struggle against wildlife exploitation while highlighting the courage of those committed to justice. As the release date approaches, the creators anticipate that the series will leave a lasting impact, sparking conversations that contribute to the collective fight against wildlife crimes.