NEW DELHI: In the latest development following the Parliament security breach, all accused individuals in police custody are set to be taken to various locations related to the incident on Thursday. The Delhi Police plan to visit places where the accused had assembled before staging a protest in front of the Parliament premises.
According to sources within the Delhi Police, the accused will be revisiting the shop from which they acquired flags for the protest. Two of the accused, Manoranjan D and Sagar Sharma, who infiltrated the Lok Sabha, were specifically taken to Sadar Bazar to identify the shop.
BREAKING: The #ParliamentSecurityBreach accused have been presented in front of the Patiala House Court in #Delhi. The police are preparing a polygraph test for them.
Reports @iatulkrishan1
— The New Indian (@TheNewIndian_in) December 28, 2023
Subsequently, all six accused will be taken to India Gate, the location where they had gathered before the breach, distributing flags and smoke canisters. Maharani Bagh, where they allegedly met to discuss their plan, is also on the list of places to be visited, as officials aim to establish the sequence of events leading up to the security breach.
The accused, including the alleged ‘mastermind’ Lalit Jha, Neelam, Amol Shinde, and Mahesh
NEW DELHI: In the latest development following the Parliament security breach, all accused individuals in police custody are set to be taken to various locations related to the incident on Thursday. The Delhi Police plan to visit places where the accused had assembled before staging a protest in front of the Parliament premises.
According to sources within the Delhi Police, the accused will be revisiting the shop from which they acquired flags for the protest. Two of the accused, Manoranjan D and Sagar Sharma, who infiltrated the Lok Sabha, were specifically taken to Sadar Bazar to identify the shop.
Subsequently, all six accused will be taken to India Gate, the location where they had gathered before the breach, distributing flags and smoke canisters. Maharani Bagh, where they allegedly met to discuss their plan, is also on the list of places to be visited, as officials aim to establish the sequence of events leading up to the security breach.
The accused, including the alleged ‘mastermind’ Lalit Jha, Neelam, Amol Shinde, and Mahesh Kumawat, along with the two who infiltrated the lower house, have been booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
Delhi Police sources had earlier indicated that the accused might undergo a polygraph or lie-detector test. However, the Legal Remand Counsel clarified that such tests were not presently available in the Delhi court.
Moreover, the Patiala House Court stressed the importance of communication between the counsel and the accused, citing delays in investigations as a reason for additional custody demand by the police.
At present, the counsel has requested a copy of the accused’s plea. The infiltrators, Manoranjan and Sharma, had initiated protests against “unemployment” and the “lack of jobs” on the 22nd anniversary of the Parliament attacks. The accused individuals are awaiting the next hearing scheduled for January 2.