Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will soon embark upon a nationwide yatra to unite the Opposition ahead of the 2024 elections. Speaking to media persons at Garuda Bari village on Thursday, Kumar hinted that soon after the Bihar budget session is over, he might go on a nationwide yatra. He was in the West Champaran district as part of his Samadhan Yatra.
The hint of nationwide yatra is in line with Kumar’s national ambition. Even though the Bihar CM has never explicitly stated his wish to emerge as a PM face, in August, 2021 passed a unanimous proposal saying that Kumar is an able politician who can lead the nation as its Prime Minister.
During the yatra, he expressed his pleasure at witnessing children studying in a school in the village.
The Bihar CM said, βIt is a pleasure to see that the children of Bihar are studying. All kinds of work are being done for the better education of the children.β
The Janata Dal (United) leader who recently faced a lot of flak following the Chapra hooch tragedy that killed 80 people is on Samadhan yatra to take stock of the various development works undertaken by the state government in different districts till January 29.
This is the first leg of the state-wide march, which kicked off on January 5 and will continue till February 7. The CM is going to review 18 districts β West Champaran, Sheohar, Sitamarhi, Vaishali, Siwan, Saran, Madhubani, Darbhanga, Supaul, Saharsa, Araria, Kishanganj, Katihar, Khagaria, Banka, Munger, Lakhisarai, and Sheikhpura during this yatra.
βSome work has been done but still some is left. If there is a delay in the scheme, then we will see why it is getting delayed,β said Kumar.
Bihar budget session is scheduled to begin on Feb 25, and end on March 31.