Maharashtra Assembly election results saw jubilant celebrations for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as leaders Devendra Fadnavis and Chandrashekhar Krushnarao Bawankule secured significant victories.
Maharashtra Assembly election results saw jubilant celebrations for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as leaders Devendra Fadnavis and Chandrashekhar Krushnarao Bawankule secured significant victories.


Maharashtra Assembly election results saw jubilant celebrations for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as leaders Devendra Fadnavis and Chandrashekhar Krushnarao Bawankule secured significant victories.

NEW DELHI: The 2024 Maharashtra Assembly election results saw jubilant celebrations for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as leaders Devendra Fadnavis and Chandrashekhar Krushnarao Bawankule secured significant victories in their constituencies. Among the highlights of the victory celebrations was a moment where BJP leader Mohit Kamboj Bharatiya was seen lifting both Fadnavis and Bawankule in a symbolic gesture of triumph.



Fadnavis, a former chief minister of Maharashtra, emerged victorious in his constituency after a fiercely contested battle. His win signifies a reaffirmation of his widespread influence and strong political stature in the state. The BJP’s continued success in Maharashtra is a reflection of its deep-rooted connection with voters across different regions of the state.


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Bawankule, who previously served as the state’s energy minister, retained his seat, further cementing the BJP’s grip on Nagpur and its surrounding areas. Bawankule’s victory is seen as a win for the BJP in its bid to strengthen its position in the central parts of Maharashtra, where the party has traditionally maintained a strong base.


The emotional moment captured by Kamboj lifting both leaders highlights the unity and confidence within the BJP camp. The victories of these two prominent leaders also symbolize the growing power of the BJP in Maharashtra, especially as the party continues to push forward with its agenda of development and governance.


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As the celebrations continued, it was clear that the BJP’s performance in this election cycle bolstered their position not just in Maharashtra, but also within the larger political narrative of India. The party’s ability to retain key constituencies and wrest seats from rival parties showcases the continued strength of its electoral machinery.


Looking ahead, the party will likely use this momentum as it prepares for future political challenges in both state and national elections as the leadership solidifies its influence in Maharashtra.