NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, a prominent figure in the Indian film industry and the Nawab of Pataudi, resides with his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and their children Taimur and Jehangir in a high-rise apartment in Mumbai. Despite their elite status, a shocking security breach recently endangered the family, highlighting the risks even high-profile individuals face.
“I have been working as a staff nurse at actor Saif Ali Khan’s house for the past four years. The entire family resides on the 11th and 12th floors of the building. The 11th floor has three rooms: one where Saif and Kareena stay, another where Taimur and his nurse Geeta reside, and the third where I live with Jehangir, also known as Jaybaba.
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Jehangir was asleep, and I had also fallen asleep. Around 2 a.m., I noticed the bathroom light was on. I thought Kareena Ma’am might have come to check on Jehangir, but after a while, something felt suspicious. When I got up, I saw a shadow in the bathroom. I opened the door and saw a man wearing a cap who started threatening me.
I rushed to wake up Jehangir, but the man warned me, saying no one was allowed to leave. He was holding a wooden stick in one hand and something resembling a hacksaw blade in the other. He tried to attack me. I screamed, and Saif and Kareena Ma’am came out of their room. The man began attacking everyone.
I asked him what he wanted. He replied, ‘Money.’ I asked him how much he needed. He said, ‘One crore.’
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By then, Geeta, the nurse from the other room, also arrived, and he attacked her as well. In the scuffle, Saif Ali Khan, Geeta, and I all sustained injuries. Shortly afterwards, the house staff from upstairs came down, and the man fled the scene.”
The incident has left Saif Ali Khan and his family deeply shaken, as the intruder not only managed to breach the building’s security but also caused physical harm. This frightening episode serves as a reminder of the vulnerabilities celebrities face, even in the perceived safety of their homes.