Dr Dhammapiya, secretary general, International Buddhist Confederation


Global Buddhist Summit to explore solutions to global challenges through Buddha Dharma Principles

The International Buddhist Confederation (IBC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of External Affairs, will be hosting the Global Buddhist Summit (GBS) on April 20-21, 2023, in New Delhi.

The summit will bring together eminent scholars, Sangha leaders, and Dharma practitioners from all over the world to discuss contemporary global challenges and find solutions based on Buddhist principles.

The GBS-2023 is a follow-up to a recent international meeting of experts from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) nations on shared Buddhist heritage.

It aims to engage the global Buddhist hierarchy on matters of universal concern and come up with policy inputs to address them collectively.

The summit’s theme is ‘Responses to Contemporary Challenges from Philosophy to Praxis’, and discussions will fall under four categories: Buddha Dharma and Peace, Environmental Crisis, Health and Sustainability, Preservation of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition, and Buddha Dharma Pilgrimage.

The summit’s goal is to explore how Buddha Dharma’s fundamental values can provide guidance and inspiration in contemporary settings grappling with rapid technological advancements, consumerism, and a devastated planet. The discussions will seek to produce a document for further academic research that can be used as a tool for international relations.

The summit’s prime vision is to set up a forum for lay Buddhist scholars and Dharma Masters to delve into Buddha’s message of peace, compassion, and harmony to work towards universal peace and harmony following the core values of Dharma.

The summit organisers aim to use Buddha Dharma instead of Buddhism as it is a philosophical tradition based on the teachings of the Buddha, rather than a doctrine. They also hope to establish a resilient foundation for India’s centuries-old cultural links to countries in South, Southeast, and East Asia.

Overall, the GBS-2023 is a significant event that aims to address some of the most pressing global challenges through the lens of Buddhist principles. It provides a unique opportunity for scholars, practitioners, and leaders to come together and find solutions that are grounded in universal values of peace, compassion, and harmony.