NEW DELHI: Ram Charan’s much-anticipated political thriller Game Changer is facing challenges at the box office. Despite an impressive opening weekend, the film’s momentum slowed on its first Monday, earning ₹97 crore globally in four days. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Shankar, Game Changer marks a return to high-stakes storytelling, blending gripping political drama with action-packed sequences. Released across multiple languages, the film opened to a strong reception, riding on the popularity of its lead actor, Ram Charan, fresh off the success of RRR. The movie raked in ₹80 crore during its opening weekend, showcasing Ram Charan’s star power and the audience’s anticipation. However, Monday’s performance saw a dip, sparking concerns about the film’s sustainability in the competitive January box office. ALSO READ: Ajith Kumar wins big at Dubai 24H: Waves Indian flag in pride Industry experts attribute the decline to mixed reviews from both critics and audiences. While the performances and action sequences received praise, the screenplay and narrative pace have drawn criticism. Additionally, the competition from ongoing and upcoming releases in regional and national markets could further impact its earnings. Despite the slump, Game Changer remains a significant release, given Shankar’s reputation for delivering commercial hits and Ram Charan’s growing global appeal. The film
Read MoreNEW DELHI: Ram Charan’s much-anticipated political thriller Game Changer is facing challenges at the box office. Despite an impressive opening weekend, the film’s momentum slowed on its first Monday, earning ₹97 crore globally in four days.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Shankar, Game Changer marks a return to high-stakes storytelling, blending gripping political drama with action-packed sequences. Released across multiple languages, the film opened to a strong reception, riding on the popularity of its lead actor, Ram Charan, fresh off the success of RRR.
The movie raked in ₹80 crore during its opening weekend, showcasing Ram Charan’s star power and the audience’s anticipation. However, Monday’s performance saw a dip, sparking concerns about the film’s sustainability in the competitive January box office.
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Industry experts attribute the decline to mixed reviews from both critics and audiences. While the performances and action sequences received praise, the screenplay and narrative pace have drawn criticism. Additionally, the competition from ongoing and upcoming releases in regional and national markets could further impact its earnings.
Despite the slump, Game Changer remains a significant release, given Shankar’s reputation for delivering commercial hits and Ram Charan’s growing global appeal. The film also features Kiara Advani as the female lead, along with a strong supporting cast.
Trade analysts predict that Game Changer could recover during the weekdays if word-of-mouth promotions pick up. Its performance in key markets, including Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu, will be crucial for its overall success.
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With a budget of over ₹200 crore, Game Changer has a long way to go to break even and enter the profit zone. The coming days will determine whether it can overcome the current setback and secure its position as a box office hit.