NEW DELHI: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has lodged an FIR against a couple for allegedly issuing fake summons of 50 PMLA. This summons came to the notice of assistant director of ED, Dilip Singh Sekhawat, who first inquiried about it at ED headquarters. Shekhawat first spoke to Rakesh Meena, also an assistant director in ED. During the inquiry it was learnt that the man who sent him this summon was one Ajay Singh. ALSO READ: Odisha to add milk to Mid-Day Meals for school students The ED officials called Singh, who informed them that it was one Amit Arora who sent him this summons. Arora was also contacted who first spoke to ED officials, but later started ignoring their calls. ED officials then went to his house but it was locked from outside. After two or three visit, they met a woman who told them that she was the mother of one Garima Arora, the wife of Arora (whose actual name was Kapil Arora). ED official with the help of the vehicle number of Garima, got her cell number. ALSO READ: 15 years old raped at Delhi’s Children’s Park (India Gate) However, she reportedly didn’t reveal anything as to why the summons were forged. The sources said that
Read MoreNEW DELHI: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has lodged an FIR against a couple for allegedly issuing fake summons of 50 PMLA.
This summons came to the notice of assistant director of ED, Dilip Singh Sekhawat, who first inquiried about it at ED headquarters.
Shekhawat first spoke to Rakesh Meena, also an assistant director in ED. During the inquiry it was learnt that the man who sent him this summon was one Ajay Singh.
ALSO READ: Odisha to add milk to Mid-Day Meals for school students
The ED officials called Singh, who informed them that it was one Amit Arora who sent him this summons. Arora was also contacted who first spoke to ED officials, but later started ignoring their calls.
ED officials then went to his house but it was locked from outside. After two or three visit, they met a woman who told them that she was the mother of one Garima Arora, the wife of Arora (whose actual name was Kapil Arora).
ED official with the help of the vehicle number of Garima, got her cell number.
ALSO READ: 15 years old raped at Delhi’s Children’s Park (India Gate)
However, she reportedly didn’t reveal anything as to why the summons were forged. The sources said that two summons were sent to Garima which were forged and later issued to another persons.
Now, the ED has lodged an FIR in this connection. The Delhi Police are current investigating the matter.