DEHRADUN: Uttarakhand Chief Secretary SS Sandhu has instructed the officials of the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) to speed up the work on the elevated road from Dehradun to Chandigarh to cut down travel time from four hours to two hours.
At present, the distance between the two state capitals is 169 kms via Paonta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh.
“Honorable chief secretary has instructed the NHAI officials to conduct an alignment survey to build a road from Dehradun to Chandigarh. This project will cut down the time in half,” said RK Sudhanshu, principal secretary, public works department.
The project is expected to cut down the distance by 70 kms.
The proposed Delhi-Dehradun Economic Corridor is to be built at a cost of around Rs 8,300 crore which is aimed at cutting down the travel time from Delhi to Dehradun from six hours to around 2.5 hours.
It will have seven major interchanges for connectivity to Haridwar, Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Yamunanagar, Baghpat, Meerut and Baraut with Asia’s largest wildlife elevated corridor (12 kilometres) for unrestricted wildlife movement. The corridor will also have arrangements for rainwater harvesting at intervals of 500 metres and over 400 water recharge points.
A greenfield alignment project from Delhi-Dehradun Economic Corridor, connecting Halgoa, Saharanpur to Bhadrabad, Haridwar will be constructed at a cost of over Rs 2,000 crore to provide seamless connectivity and reduce travel time from Delhi to Haridwar as well.
photo to mumbai-pune express ki hai.