
In this freewheeling interview with The New Indian Executive Editor Rohan Dua, Demark ambassador to India, Freddy Svane talks about unique aspects of the India-Denmark bilateral relationship.  

In this freewheeling interview with The New Indian Executive Editor Rohan Dua, Demark ambassador to India, Freddy Svane talks about unique aspects of the India-Denmark bilateral relationship.

He tells The New Indian about Green Strategic Partnership between the two countries. Denmark’s expertise in river rejuvenation will help bring life to the Varuna river in Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi.

In the upcoming UP Global Investors Summit, Denmark will launch a significant proposal to inspire India on river rejuvenation.

Denmark will also launch some significant initiatives worth billions of euros at the Summit.

Talking about his long relationship with PM Narendra Modi, Ambassador Svane speaks about what has changed in India since 2014. Level of self-confidence had increased drastically at all levels and India is defining the Indian way, he says while crediting PM Modi for the change.

On a lighter note, Ambassador Svane hopes culinary exchanges can help bring two countries together. He also explains how millet can help strengthen the relationship between the two countries.