On February 8, The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the admit card for the upcoming Class 10 and 12 exams.
On February 8, The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the admit card for the upcoming Class 10 and 12 exams.


CBSE class 10 and class 12 board exams will begin from 15 February 2023 onwards across the country. To enter the examination hall candidates need…

CBSE class 10 and class 12 board exams will begin from 15 February 2023 onwards across the country. To enter the examination hall candidates need their admit cards. Students can download admit cards from the board’s official website i.e. cbse.gov.in.

On February 8, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the admit card for the upcoming Class 10 and 12 exams.

The class 10, and 12 board examinations will begin from 15 February 2023 onwards across the country. They will end on March 21 for Class 10 and on 5 April for Class 12. Exams will start at 10.30 am and end at 1.30 pm on exam days.

Step-by-step instructions for downloading class 10 and class 12 CBSE admit cards:

  1. Go to CBSE’s official website, cbse.gov.in
  2. Login on the school login page
  3. Enter the User ID and security pin
  4. Press Submit
  5. Download the admit card and take a printout

CBSE board admits cards contain information about the candidate through which the invigilator can verify the candidate’s identity, like roll no, date of birth (only for class X), name of examination, candidate’s name, mother’s name, father’s/guardian’s name, name of examination centre, category of PwD, admit card ID, Subjects in which appearing with the date of examination.

Without an admit card, students will not be allowed into the examination hall according to the Board’s strict policy. Students will have to be present at the examination centre at least 45 minutes before the exam starts. The process of checking admit cards starts from half an hour before the exam starts.
Once checked into the examination hall the invigilator will check the Board admit card for photograph and signature. The invigilator will ask the candidate to sign on another sheet to verify the signature for correctness.

It is advisable to carry a school id card along with the admit card.