
In Haridwar, a seven-year-old boy named Ravi Saini, battling blood cancer, faced a tragic fate as his parents and aunt allegedly immersed him in the Ganga river for about 15 minutes at Har-ki-Pauri, hoping for a miraculous cure.

NEW DELHI: In Haridwar, a seven-year-old boy named Ravi Saini, battling blood cancer, faced a tragic fate as his parents and aunt allegedly immersed him in the Ganga river for about 15 minutes at Har-ki-Pauri, hoping for a miraculous cure. The distressing incident took place just a few meters away from a police outpost.

A circulating video on social media showed Ravi’s aunt, Sudha, repeatedly submerging the child in the river while his parents recited mantras. Despite their efforts, the ritual did not save Ravi’s life, and he was rushed to the hospital, where doctors declared him dead upon arrival.

The boy’s parents, Rajkumar and Shanti, along with Sudha, were apprehended by the police. Hailing from Sonia Vihar in northeast Delhi, the family had previously taken Ravi to AIIMS-Delhi, where doctors reportedly advised them to return home due to the advanced stage of cancer, expressing no hope for the boy’s survival. Ignoring the medical advice, the family proceeded to Haridwar with the expectation of a miraculous intervention.

An eyewitness from Kurukshetra, Haryana, recounted the distressing scene, describing how he and others attempted to save Ravi when they noticed him being repeatedly immersed in the river. Despite their efforts, the child showed no signs of life.

SP (City) Swatantra Kumar revealed that Ravi’s deteriorating health had driven the family to seek divine intervention. While the autopsy indicated that drowning was not the cause of death, further investigations are underway to determine whether Ravi was already deceased before being immersed in the river or if cold conditions led to his demise.

The incident sparked outrage among pilgrims present at the site, who confronted the family before the police intervened to manage the situation. The tragic episode sheds light on the complexities surrounding faith, desperation, and the pursuit of miracles in the face of serious illness.