New Delhi: In a dramatic turn of events, Union Minister and BJP’s candidate for the Thiruvananthapuram constituency in Kerala, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, has served a legal notice to his Congress counterpart, Shashi Tharoor, demanding the withdrawal of false allegations of bribing key voters of the Christian community or face legal action. Chandrasekhar, expressing shock at the accusations made by Tharoor in a TV interview, has demanded a public apology within 24 hours. The Congress leader had recently accused him of having offered monetary benefits to community leaders and others.
The legal notice asserts that Tharoor’s defamatory statements, accusing Chandrasekhar of engaging in illegal activities and spreading lies within the Christian community, were made with malicious intent to tarnish his reputation and gain an unfair advantage in the upcoming elections.
FLASH : #UnionMinister and #BJP candidate for Thiruvananthapuram, Rajeev Chandrasekhar serves legal notice to Congress leader Shashi Tharoor. #Chandrashekhar demands the withdrawal of false allegations of bribing key voters of the Christian community or face legal action.…
— The New Indian (@TheNewIndian_in) April 10, 2024
The legal notice, served to Tharoor, demands the retraction of all allegations made against Chandrasekhar regarding bribing key voters of the Christian community. Chandrasekhar asserts that Tharoor’s statements, made during a TV interview
New Delhi: In a dramatic turn of events, Union Minister and BJP’s candidate for the Thiruvananthapuram constituency in Kerala, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, has served a legal notice to his Congress counterpart, Shashi Tharoor, demanding the withdrawal of false allegations of bribing key voters of the Christian community or face legal action. Chandrasekhar, expressing shock at the accusations made by Tharoor in a TV interview, has demanded a public apology within 24 hours. The Congress leader had recently accused him of having offered monetary benefits to community leaders and others.
The legal notice asserts that Tharoor’s defamatory statements, accusing Chandrasekhar of engaging in illegal activities and spreading lies within the Christian community, were made with malicious intent to tarnish his reputation and gain an unfair advantage in the upcoming elections.
The legal notice, served to Tharoor, demands the retraction of all allegations made against Chandrasekhar regarding bribing key voters of the Christian community. Chandrasekhar asserts that Tharoor’s statements, made during a TV interview with Kerala-based news organization ’24 News’, were not only baseless but also maliciously intended to harm his electoral prospects.
Expressing shock at Tharoor’s accusations, Chandrasekhar emphasized the need for an immediate public apology from Tharoor or else face legal repercussions. The notice highlights the detrimental impact of Tharoor’s defamatory statements on the Christian community of Thiruvananthapuram and its leaders.
Tharoor’s alleged violation of Rule I(2) of the Model Code of Conduct, by making unverified allegations against Chandrasekhar, has further fueled the legal dispute. The notice underscores Tharoor’s purported violation of electoral laws, including the Representation of the Peoples Act, of 1951.
In response to Tharoor’s accusations, Chandrasekhar’s legal team has raised concerns about the potential influence of false news on the electoral process. They fear that Tharoor’s statements may have been circulated to manipulate voters and disrupt the fairness of the elections.
As the election date draws nearer, the dispute between Chandrasekhar and Tharoor underscores the intense competition and political manoeuvring in the constituency. On April 26, Kerala will go for polls to choose its 20 Lok Sabha MPs, with results scheduled to be announced on June 4. The Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha seat has become the centre of a heated election campaign as both parties view it as a matter of prestige.
This also marks the debut Lok Sabha election for Mr. Chandrasekhar, who serves as the Minister of State for Information Technology and Skill Development and currently represents the Rajya Sabha as a Member of Parliament.