NEW DELHI: In an exclusive interview with The New Indian’s Executive Editor, Rohan Dua, Avadh Ojha, a prominent figure in Delhi’s political scene, shared his distinctive approach to elections and emphasized the importance of accountability in politics.
Known for his candid style, Ojha urged voters to make informed decisions based on the tangible impact politicians have on their communities.
Ojha said “When I converse with people, I ask them to vote according to their conscience,” stressing that voters should demand accountability from their elected representatives. “Ask any politician who comes to seek your vote to list four works that have directly affected your life,” he suggested in regards to being made the escape goat.
Ojha pointed to the Aam Aadmi Party’s initiatives like the Schools, Mahaula Clinics, and the Ambedkar Excellence Program, highlighting these as examples of policies that have had a meaningful impact on the community.
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Reflecting on his own potential political journey, Ojha recounted a pivotal moment when he considered contesting elections.
He shared, “When it came to me contesting, I told Manish Sisodia that you’re a national-level leader, and you can contest from anywhere in Delhi.”
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However, Ojha made it clear that his approach was different. “But for me, I can only contest from an area where my family lives. My house is just behind, and the people from my village have lived here in huge numbers. So, it was a social strength for me to ask for a seat from Patparganj,” he explained.
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Ojha’s emphasis on local connections and the need for politicians to deliver tangible results offers a refreshing perspective on what it means to serve the public.