Addressing a rally in Bihar’s West Champaran, Shah said, “BJP’s door for Nitish Kumar has been closed forever.”
The most widely-used messaging and calling app, WhatsApp is reportedly going to launch some interesting new features. WhatsApp news platform WaBetaInfo revealed that the app is developing a new version with a feature for scheduled calls like Zoom and Google Meet. The new version will also transcribe English voice notes. These new features are available […]
Germany’s Yannik Paul stretches lead to five shots
Technical textiles are the future, the Indian technical textile market will grow faster than 12%, says Union textiles minister
MoS also launched ChipIN Centre, which will act as a one-stop centre for chip designers across the country
A day after hundreds of sword brandishing youth stormed a police station in the border district of Amritsar, a close associate of self-styled pro-Khalistani preacher Amrit Singh, Lovepreet Singh Tufan was released from Amritsar jail on Friday. Court accepted his discharge application and he was released, a day Amritpal , the chief of a radical […]
Congress’ three-day Plenary Session began on Friday in Raipur with former party chiefs Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi and party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra missing the Steering Committee meeting. Other than that most of thr senior leaders of party from across the country in attendance. The Plenary Session of the Congress will put a […]
More than 1800 students and parents participated in the grand launch and orientation held at Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi
American President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced that the United States is nominating Ajay Banga, a business leader with extensive experience leading successful organizations in developing countries and forging public-private partnerships to address financial inclusion and climate change, to be President of the World Bank. “Ajay is uniquely equipped to lead the World Bank at […]
Poet Kumar Vishwas famous for his wit and satirical take on politics is facing the heat from the BJP and its ideological fountainhead Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh after he called RSS members “illiterate.” During an event in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain, Vishwas recalled an incident where a RSS worker asked him about the nature of the Budget. […]