At Vikasnagar in Shimla, Himachal CM Jai Ram Thakur laid the foundation stone for a Rs 7.62 crore foot over-bridge in the capital city


SHIMLA: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today laid foundation stones for a slew of projects that would benefit the people in the state.…

SHIMLA: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today laid foundation stones for a slew of projects that would benefit the people in the state.

The timing of the move is also important as the state will go for polls in November this year.

CM Thakur laid the foundation stone of Sabzi Mandi worth Rs 20 crores at Darni Ka Bagicha in Shimla.

He also laid the foundation stone of a Rs 10 crore flyover at Khalini in Shimla.

At Vikasnagar in Shimla, CM Thakur also laid the foundation stone for a Rs 7.62 crore foot over bridge in the capital city. The foot over-bridge could be a big boost to the pedestrians in the city.

Meanwhile, the CM also laid the foundation stone for a Rs 17.18 crore bus stand, transport office and work along with a commercial complex in Dhalli, Shimla.