MUMBAI: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has taken a strong stance against those disrespecting national icons, promising strict action against a Congress mouthpiece for its derogatory writings against VD Savarkar. Addressing the Assembly on Wednesday, Fadnavis affirmed that the government will not tolerate insults to national leaders and that anyone found guilty of such actions will be booked accordingly.
The controversy surrounding right-wing activist Sambhaji Bhide was also brought up during the Assembly session. Congress legislators demanded action against Bhide for his alleged controversial remarks against Mahatma Gandhi. Responding to this, Fadnavis informed the Assembly that a case had already been registered against Bhide in Amravati and that police would be taking his voice samples for further investigation.
"Congress has been insulting Veer Savarkar for too long. I have taken cognizance of the claims in their magazine 'Shidori' and a case will be filed against it. Rahul Gandhi's statements about Savarkar will also be investigated."
– Maharashtra Home Minister @Dev_Fadnavis— पाकीट तज्ञ (@paakittadnya) August 2, 2023
While Fadnavis acknowledged Bhide’s work on Hinduism, he emphasized that this did not exempt him from accountability for any actions that could be deemed disrespectful towards national heroes. The Deputy CM reiterated that regardless of one’s ideology, speaking against esteemed figures like Veer Savarkar or Mahatma Gandhi would not be condoned by the government, and those found guilty would face the consequences.
The situation in the Assembly became tense as the opposition accused the government of attempting to protect Bhide, demanding his arrest. However, Fadnavis remained resolute, assuring that the law would take its course and justice would be served. He stressed that the government was committed to upholding the principles of justice and protecting the dignity of national icons.
READ MORE: Twitter handle that insulted Savitribai apologises to Fadnavis; RW titlists Ranga, Mitra defiant
The Congress mouthpiece ‘Shidori’ also faced scrutiny as Fadnavis announced that it would be booked for publishing offensive content against Veer Savarkar and Mahatma Gandhi. This development drew sharp reactions from Congress leaders, who accused Fadnavis of attempting to suppress freedom of expression. Nevertheless, the Deputy CM remained steadfast in his commitment to uphold the sanctity of national leaders and their legacy.
The controversy surrounding Sambhaji Bhide has been an ongoing issue, with accusations of him making inflammatory speeches and being involved in the violence that erupted in Koregaon Bhima in January 2018. The Amravati Police have been conducting an investigation into the case, leading to several arrests so far.