The pitched battle between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) reaches Mehrauli as AAP leaders oppose the anti-encroachment drive started by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) in the area on February 10.
Three AAP leaders were also detained by the police when they tried to intervene to stop the drive.
Opposing the drives across the city, AAP said that the BJP is making poor Delhiites bear the brunt of its defeat in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) election by bulldozing thousands of slums in Delhi.
AAP MLA Durgesh Pathak said, “Right from this morning, the BJP is busy destroying the entire area of Mehrauli. Many videos have come from Mehrauli where people are crying and begging in front of police and the BJP to stop this atrocity.”
“When our MLAs Naresh Yadav and Somnath Bharti tried to go and find a solution, they were put in jail, and our councillor Rekha was also detained,” he said.
Pathak said during the revolt of 1857, those Indians who supported the revolutionaries, were hanged and their homes were demolished; today, the BJP is doing the same in Delhi. “Aam Aadmi Party opposes this, no matter what happens, we will not allow a single slum to be demolished,” Pathak, who is the party’s MCD in-charge, added.
Pathak further said the BJP must be the first such political party that eventually goes on to do the opposite of what it had promised to the people before the election.
Before every election, whether it is for the Vidhan Sabha or the MCD, their leaders go to the people and promise to build pukka houses for them. Before the MCD elections, they put up posters such as these with the PM’s image on them and promised people “Jahan Jhuggi Vahan Makaan”.
“They had promised the people living in jhuggis across Delhi a two-room house with facilities such as a kitchen, toilet, fresh water and electricity. This is what the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, had promised to the residents of Delhi before the MCD election last year, as well as before the Vidhan Sabha elections of 2020,” Pathak said.
“But what is it that we are seeing everywhere in Delhi today, The BJP and its agencies are going around uprooting the houses of those who reside in the jhuggis in Delhi today,” said Pathak.
Pathak also said, “Since this morning, the BJP and its agencies have been involved in uprooting several households in Mehrauli. Several videos are circulating on social media in which we can see the poor residents of Mehrauli begging the Delhi Police and its personnel to not uproot their houses.”
Pathak said, “The BJP-led agencies have similarly issued notices to demolish houses in Modinagar, the Madipur slum cluster in Punjabi Bagh and another slum cluster in Tughlakabad. This is what the BJP has been doing, and we will protest against such barbaric acts by the party. These are our people, and you cannot just displace them.”
“Where does the BJP expect these thousands of families to go all of a sudden? These are our people and where do you expect them to go overnight?” he questioned.