A comment on blockbuster Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan triggered a viral back-and-forth on Twitter between actor Kangana Ranaut, and actor and influencer Uorfi Javed.

It all started with Kangana Ranaut's comment on an appreciation post for Shah Rukh Khan, which said, "Hindu Muslims love SRK equally" and that "India is super secular".

"Very good analysis... this country has only and only loved all Khans and at times only and only Khans...And obsessed over Muslim actresses, so it's very unfair to accuse India of hate and fascism ... there is no country like Bharat in the whole world," wrote Kangana Ranaut

Uorfi Javed reacted to the two-day-old tweet by the 'Manikarnika' actor and commented: "Oh my gosh ! What is this division , Muslim actors , Hindu actors . Art is not divided by religion . There are only actors.

"Yes, my dear Uorfi that will be an ideal world but it's not possible unless we have The Uniform Civil Code, till the time this nation is divided in the constitution itself it will remain divide, Let's all demand Uniform Civil Code from @narendramodiji in 2024 Manifesto. Shall we?"

Back to Uorfi, who sought to make light of Ms Ranaut's suggestion. "Uniform wound be a bad idea for me maam !  I'm popular only because of my clothes," said the Instagram favourite known for her outrageous fashion.

Before people start commenting how dumb I am , I'm being sarcastic here guys ! SARCASM HUMOUR FUNNY," CLARIFIED UORFI JAVED

Ms Ranaut returned to Twitter recently after a ban for nearly two years. The microblogging website banned her account in May 2021, after she posted controversial content linked to post-election violence in Bengal.