Set up in August 2021, The New Indian is India’s multi-media digital platform run by some of the widely acclaimed journalists in the news media industry. The New Indian specializes in bringing in-depth news stories and perspectives from the ground across India, in the form of audio-visual and textual content delivered on Internet enabled devices. The platform aims to inform, educate and shape public opinion with well-grounded insights about India and its place in the world. 

The New Indian focuses on news stories and views about everything from politics, economy and geopolitics to sports, entertainment and lifestyle. Our news stories are gathered from the field, especially far-off places in the rural hinterland, border regions and islands of India. We also conduct interviews to get incisive opinions and analysis from experts of all fields including public policy and private sector. 

All our content, including indoor recordings, is shot on smartphones.

Headquartered in New Delhi, the platform is led by India’s two well-known journalists—Aarti Tikoo and Rohan Dua— who have made their name by reporting on a wide range of issues from some of the deadliest places and in the most challenging circumstances. 

The New Indian is funded by private investors of India but is completely independent in all its operations. The investors have no control over editorial content or day-to-day management of the organization. 

You can follow The New Indian on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. If you have any queries, feedback or opinions and articles that you would like to get published, please email to [email protected]

Our social media links are listed below:

  1. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel
  2. Follow us on Twitter @TheNewIndian_in
  3. Our Instagram page is @thenewindian_in
  4. Checkout our Facebook page @thenewindianofficial
  5. Our account on Koo is