Air pollution comes back to haunt Delhiites

Air pollution comes back to haunt Delhiites

After Diwali, Delhi's air quality has been hovering around 'very poor' to 'hazardous' categories

Kejriwal Govt has taken several measures but to no avail

Kejriwal Govt has taken several measures but to no avail

Farm fires in neighbouring states are blamed for Delhi pollution

Some say it is AAP government's failure

In 2019 one million people died by air pollution. This is an AAP-ocalypse

While politicians play blame game, Delhiites are left to suffer

While politicians play blame game, Delhiites are left to suffer

Some say it is AAP government's failure

In 2019 one million people died by air pollution. This is an AAP-ocalypse

1.6 million people died by air pollution in India in 2019, as per Lancet

1.6 million people died by air pollution in India in 2019, as per Lancet